40% dintre Evreii Europeni ISI ASCUND adevarata identitate
Acesta este un semn bun. In cazul in care 40% dintre Evreii Europeni isi ascund adevarata identitate inseamna ca se tem de faptul ca Europa se retrezeste rapid si isi da seama de niste probleme…
Articol aparut in Jersualem Post:
Forty percent of European Jews hide their identity, the Rabbinical Center of Europe and the European Jewish Association claimed on Monday.
The organizations, both of which are run by Menachem Margolin, a Chabad Rabbi from Brussels, stated that they had gathered their data from over eight hundred Rabbis and RCE members across the continent but did not provide any detailed explanation of how they arrived at the forty percent figure or of the study’s methodology.
According to Margolin, half a million Jews will attend prayer services for the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah this year at 1,353 synagogues.
“Half a million Jews will participate in prayers but million and a half Jews hide their Jewishness,” a press release by the RCE and EJA stated, adding that “there is 80% intermarriage among Europe’s Jewish communities, when compared with the total number of Jews.”
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