Hillary Clintron sustine GENOCIDUL comis de ISRAEL in GAZA si se plange de „antisemitism”


Intr-un interviu cu propagandistul evreu Jeffery Goldberg, acordat pentru The Atlantic, Hillary Clinton a aratat lumii ca a fost iarasi o curva pentru Israel. Aceasta a luat apararea genocidului comis asupra palestinienilor in Fasia Gaza de evrei si a dat vina pe Hamas cu privire la faptul ca Israelul ucide femei si copii cu bombe si rachete primite de la americani.

Aceasta femeie este o tarfa ordinara, fapt pentru care evreii o pun iar sa candideze pentru presedentia Statelor Unite ale Americii.

Din ziarul Times of Israel:

Former US secretary of state and potential presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a staunch defense of Israel over its conduct of the war against Hamas, placed full ultimate responsibility on Hamas for the deaths of children and other innocent people, and defended Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence on maintaining security control in the West Bank in the next few years

In an interview published Sunday by Jeffrey Goldberg for The Atlantic, she also urged an “overarching” US strategy to confront Islamic terrorism, equating this struggle to the one the US waged against communism.


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