Intelligence Official: Israel Knew Attack was Coming and Did Nothing

More questions!

We’ve got a lot more questions – please ignore them!

From New York Post:

Amid mounting questions about Israel’s failure to anticipate the unprecedented attack by Hamas, an Egyptian intelligence official said his country had warned the Jewish state repeatedly about “something big” happening shortly.

The official said Israeli officials had been focused on their struggles in the West Bank and played down the threat from the militant group in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is made up of supporters of West Bank settlers who have demanded a crackdown in the face of a rising tide of violence in the area over the last 18 months.

“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” the Egyptian official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press.

Israel was caught flat-footed in the lead-up to the attack by Hamas, whose terrorists broke through border barriers to launch a brazen attack that has so far killed at least 800 people and wounded over 2,000, with the numbers expected to climb.

I don’t believe it was all a big mixup.

But we shall see.

Shan’t we?



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