Jewish Group Explains To Blacks In New York ‘When It’s Okay To Physically Assault A Jew’
‘Jews In The City’ is a jewish advocacy group that works to help reduce violent attacks against Jews by Blacks in New York in different ways, such as giving them free Target gift cards and creating complicated flow charts to show the circumstances when it’s okay to physically assault a Jew:
While Jew in the City was originally founded to break down stereotypes about religious Jews, as our organization developed and met people who experienced the underbelly of the Orthodox Jewish world, we realized that not every negative story is a stereotype.
Some bad feelings are due to shortcomings in our community that need to be addressed. We do our best to highlight all the wonderful things that can be found among our people, while at the same time being realistic about the ways we can improve.
If people outside of our community have negative interactions with us, we should consider how we can do better, but with this recent uptick in anti-Semitic attacks directed at the Orthodox Jewish community, there is an unfortunate narrative being espoused: certain individuals are trying to justify Jews being attacked, assaulted, shot, and butchered with a machete. “Gentrification.” “Buying up all the houses.” “Rudeness.” “Past scandals in the community.”
We at Jew in the City find this line of thinking to be outrageous and want to make it clear to the world that it is extremely rare to have a valid reason to assault a Jew. In order to make this lesson easy to understand and disseminate, we created this handy dandy flowchart to show the various reasons people have cited as a possible excuses for violence against Jews. Please help us share this and be sure to have people refer to it if they are trying to justify heinous acts.
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