People entering Romania from red zones to be quarantined

People entering Romania from the so-called COVID-19 red zones countries, or areas of high epidemiological risk, based on a list prepared by the National Institute of Public Health, will be quarantined under Decision 36 of the National Committee on Emergency Management (CNSU) presented on Tuesday at a government meeting by head of the Emergency Management Department (DSU) Raed Arafat.

The CNSU decision was voted unanimously, Arafat said.

„Article 2(1): From the date of this decision, the quarantine measure is established for persons entering Romania from countries with a high epidemiological risk, established on the basis of the criterion provided for in paragraph 2. (2): The criterion on the basis of which countries or areas with high epidemiological risk is represented by the cumulative rate, the incidence of new cases of disease in the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants which must be higher than that recorded in Romania in the same period. (3) Based on the criterion in paragraph 1, the National Institute of Public Health draws up the list of countries or areas for which the quarantine measure is established for the persons entering Romania from them,” reads the CNSU decision, according to the head of DSU.

The list of countries or areas for which the quarantine measure is instituted for people arriving in Romania is updated, reviewed weekly every Monday by the National Institute of Public Health and published on its website, Arafat said.



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